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Behavior Change & Designing an Employee Health Plan | Omada Health

Explore examples of behavior change nudges, myths about health behavior, and why health behavior needs to be a higher priority in employee health plans.

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Key Principles of Behavior Change: What to Know When Designing an Employee Health Plan

Improving outcomes and lowering costs of chronic health conditions require a better understanding of health behavior—and the science, strategy, and technology that support it.

What is Health Behavior?

Devising programs that help people make lasting behavioral changes in their health is difficult. But countless studies show why it’s the key to a brighter future for healthcare, especially for millions of people who suffer from chronic health conditions, which account for 90%1 of all healthcare costs in the United States.

While the science of behavior change has been well-established for decades, the modern discipline of health behavior—applying behavior science to clinical care, in tandem with personalized digital tools, apps, and analytics—may not always be well-understood by employers, HR and benefits leaders, or patients themselves.

Health behavior needs to be a higher priority in employee health plans.

This guide explores some of the fundamentals of behavior change, such as the increasing responsibility of employers to invest more in these types of programs; the complexities of managing human motivation to create sustainable change; the mistaken assumptions about health behavior that are handicapping adoption and progress; the symbiotic partnership between human coaching and digital health apps and tools; and how to approach measurement and ROI calculations of health behavior programs and interventions.

What You'll Learn in Our Whitepaper

Download the full whitepaper to learn key insights all employers, HR and benefits leaders, and patients should know about the fundamentals of behavior change and why it’s time to invest in health-behavior programs.

We’ll cover:

  • What is health behavior?
  • It's time to invest in health behavior
  • 3 big myths about health behavior
  • The art of the nudge
  • A better way to manage human motivation
  • Rethinking the ROI

Researchers have known for years that behavior change is one of the most effective ways to improve outcomes for the millions of people with chronic health conditions— and to bring down skyrocketing healthcare costs in the process. But employers and benefit leaders need to do more to invest in modern health-behavior programs, says Stanford health researcher and author Jeffrey Pfeffer.

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